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"Life is a grand adventure or it is nothing." H. Keller

  • Mindful Hiking in NH's White Mountains
    July 5, 2019 Quinn Nichols

    Mindful Hiking in NH's White Mountains

    Recently, my boyfriend and I finally got in our first “real” hike of the season: a two-day traipse through the Pemigewasset Wilderness that included one of those rejuvenating, soul-searching sort of nights beside the lull of a river, surrounded by elderly trillium flowers and that soothing, muffled peace that only wilderness can provide.
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  • The Life & Times of a Sweater by Quinn Nichols
    February 13, 2019 Quinn Nichols

    The Life & Times of a Sweater by Quinn Nichols

    Ah yes, the sweater: that cozy staple garment hanging in almost everyone’s closet. It evokes feelings of warmth, and home, and comfort, all of which contribute to a general sense of physical and emotional security. So it’s not that surprising that If you see yourself wearing a sweater in your dreams, it symbolizes self-protection, self-care, and survival — for it certainly does all of these things, and more. 
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  • Purging for the New Year by Quinn Nichols
    January 31, 2019 Quinn Nichols

    Purging for the New Year by Quinn Nichols

    The New Year inevitably instills within us the hope of new beginnings, re-fortified resolve and fresh inspiration as we re-commit ourselves to our personal goals. As the days are beginning to lengthen once more, one can’t help but conjure up hopeful visions of all the fruitful possibilities as we imagine ourselves blooming into who we are meant to be this year, slowly welcoming back the sun from its dark slumber.
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